תעודת כשרות is a Smichut, and means Kosher Certificate. These are two nouns, תְעוּדָה and כַּשרוּת, so a literal translation would be 'Kosher-ness Certificate'.
הח"מ = החָתוּם מָטָה
The Undersigned
הַשגָחָה - Supervision
A literal translation, so you could understand it word by word, would be:
I, the undersigned, confirm with this that the Carmel Restaurant, located in street Kuzintsi 31 in Budapest, stands under my supervision and is Kosher Lemehadrin. Vadlidity of the kosher-ness is until Sukot תשע"ב
And why is the word Budapest written like this, בודאפעסט? This is the way you write it in Yiddish. In Hebrew it's בודפשט.
הח"מ = החָתוּם מָטָה
The Undersigned
הַשגָחָה - Supervision
A literal translation, so you could understand it word by word, would be:
I, the undersigned, confirm with this that the Carmel Restaurant, located in street Kuzintsi 31 in Budapest, stands under my supervision and is Kosher Lemehadrin. Vadlidity of the kosher-ness is until Sukot תשע"ב
And why is the word Budapest written like this, בודאפעסט? This is the way you write it in Yiddish. In Hebrew it's בודפשט.