The Ariel café in Krakow, Poland
Café, בית קפה in Hebrew, is masculin, so it should have been
בית קפה יהודי and not יהודית.
On the green board on the right, and I know it's a bit hard to notice, there are few cool things:
First of all the second item is קרפיון יהודי, which means a Jewish Carp. Sounds strange in Hebrew, as if the carp was circumcised and had his Bar Mitzva. A better option would be קרפיון בסגנון יהודי, carp (made) in Jewish style, סִגנוֹן, or קרפיון בנוּסָח יהודי, carp (made) in the Jewish version.
Then one before last it says
גבינה עוגת
It should have been
עוגת גבינה.
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בית קפה יהודי and not יהודית.
On the green board on the right, and I know it's a bit hard to notice, there are few cool things:
First of all the second item is קרפיון יהודי, which means a Jewish Carp. Sounds strange in Hebrew, as if the carp was circumcised and had his Bar Mitzva. A better option would be קרפיון בסגנון יהודי, carp (made) in Jewish style, סִגנוֹן, or קרפיון בנוּסָח יהודי, carp (made) in the Jewish version.
Then one before last it says
גבינה עוגת
It should have been
עוגת גבינה.
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